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30 Thoughts on Turning 30

I recently turned 30 in what was a month of milestones. As well as a momentous birthday, I celebrated my first wedding anniversary with my wife and had my first Father’s Day as a dad.

I decided to put pen to paper (figuratively speaking) and ponder over 30 lessons, thoughts, principles and quotes that I have come to appreciate over my 30 years on this planet we call Earth.

On Life

I’ve been guilty of trying to do this. Sometimes you have to let go and see what happens.

Something I’ve had to learn over the years. At one point I owned a silly amount of domain names because I rushed to quickly to set up an idea I had, only to never touch it again.

On Work & SEO

On Growth & Learning

Quotes & Inspiration


You don’t need a side project to be a successful SEO

The Importance of Clear Communication